
I'm Joseph.

Got my first DSLR for Christmas when i was 17, but was interested in photography from a young age. Around that time i got most of my experience from going to my sisters house and taking photos of her family. After a few months of doing that, i bought my first telephoto lens, granted it was a cheap lens, but it led to me discovering my love for close up portraits and macro photography. About half of my macro experience happened in this time, i would wander around my yard searching for anything interesting, then I realized a lot of macro photography isn't finding the beauty in the interesting subjects, its finding the beauty in the mundane. After i fell in love with macro photography I decided to invest in myself and get a better lens that would allow me to do what I loved and show how much my skill has improved

The Beauty In The


The Subjects I typically shoot are normal, but that doesn't mean its not beautiful, a lot of the time my favorite shots are when people are lost in thought or even conversation. I usually try and capture natural moments, a moment you might forget but through my work you will never forget. When I go to a shoot, my goal is to make sure you remember your moments of happiness, because in life, those moments are to far and to in-between to forget.

The Process

01. Connect

Email me with what you would you would like me to shoot, and from there we can discuss the potential.

Share your story

02. Conceptualize

Once we discuss the event, we can come up with some moments and expectations for the day.

Develop Your Vision

03. Create

Once I'm at the event I like to observe the surroundings, if you ever have something you would like me to shoot, I'm usually easy to find

Bring it to life


Because I have to pay for travel and equipment I do charge by the hour, but that will be discussed before the event
